Feinripp Brand Portfolio

Do you already know Feinripp Studios’ owns and co-own brands? Driven by passion and the spirit of innovation, we not only support you with growing your brand’s success, we also launched our own brands that prove that we understand what we’re doing. What do they have in common? All brands stand for clever inventions and innovative products that make your life easier and better.

snuggle dreamer

Discover unique, comfy and practical dog caves that not only look good, but also ensure a healthy and relaxed sleep – just as our loyal companions deserve. And that's not all; explore our range of other premium dog supplies designed with the same commitment to quality and comfort.


Fitnessheld stands for efficient and precise workouts at home. Our innovative EMS suits with electrical muscle stimulation enable you to make yourself and your fitness a priority, even in a fast-paced everyday life.


The smart hair solution for shower, sport and leisure! Our drybun protects and keeps your lengths dry, so you only have to worry about your hair when you want to, providing a convenient and effective way to maintain style and cleanliness in various activities.


The inclusive recruitment platform! Since job hunting and everyday working life are often a major challenge for neurodivergent people, we created a unique opportunity for employers and employees to connect openly with the innovative concept of our neosity platform.

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